Nykaa Registration

Apply for Registration

Step 1:

Go to Nykaa Seller, you will see the following page

Step 2:

Enter company Information like Company Name, Address, Website Nature of Business is important if you are a Brand Owner you need Trademark Certificate and also need to pay a one-time fee of Rs. 10000 whereas Distributors and Wholesalers of Popular brands don’t need to pay but they need Valid Invoice from Brands.

Step 3:

  • => Enter Product Categories, you can only enter once but if you’re selling in more categories you can add after onboarding here enter your primary category.
  • => Enter Brand Names, you can enter more than one brands
  • => Is this currently sold on Nykaa?, If yes then onboarding is much easier and faster. But if this brand is being listed for the first time more checks will be done and hence takes a longer time.

Step 4:

Add details of Point person, he will be contacted if they need anything else or want to process further.

Finally submit the form and wait for 2-5 business days, keep an eye on your email.